Our teachers provide creative, stimulating play situations for the concepts taught as God's love is shared with your child. Little Lamb Preschool and Childcare is a highly creative, strong play-ethic preschool and childcare center. We are always seeking ways to stimulate imagination, growth, and thinking. The 3 and 4-year old's focus on learning the basics through play, circle time, small group activities, and working together. The 4 and 5-year old's focus on kindergarten readiness through the same activities at a higher level. Each teacher gives informal assessments throughout the year to assess where your child is at in his/her educational development.
Little Lamb Preschool and Childcare is built on 35 years of experience in "training up a child" as God instructs us in Proverbs 22:6. We train them to share God's love, learn and grow in His grace, and build relationships that last for many years. Kindergarten readiness is a large focus for our program by learning through play, music, and movement.
6:30am-8:30am - Drop Off & Choice Time
8:00am - Breakfast
8:30am -11:30am - Circle Time, Jesus Time, Learning Centers & Recess
Mid-Morning - Snack
11:30am-Noon - Lunch
Noon-12:30pm - Book Look Time
12:30pm-3:00pm - Learning Centers, Naps* & Recess
Mid-Afternoon - Snack
3:30pm-5:30pm - Pick Up & Choice Time
*Naps are offered to preschoolers as needed.
“Jesus Time” is not one specific time of day. We encourage the children to share God’s love in all we do. We will sing His praise during Circle time, share His love in our play, honor Him as we obey our teachers and celebrate being His children, and worship Him in Chapel.
We talk to God through prayer each day. We tell God “thank you” for loving us, for making us special and we ask Him to help us use His strength by sharing His love with others. We pray before we eat snacks and meals.
As children transition to snack and lunch time, they take turns using the restroom. The children may use the restroom at any time but prior to snacks and meal are when everyone is asked to try. Each child will be asked to use warm water and soap, scrubbing between the fingers as well as the top and bottom of their hands. While waiting for a turn and for friends to finish, they enjoy looking at books from the library and “picture read” with friends or alone. Sometimes the teacher may read to the group.
Our goal is to provide one special experience or field trip each month. Some will be on-site experiences (i.e.: firefighters & fire trucks visiting) that may be appropriate for all ages.
Three trips will be taken elsewhere with our preschool-age students. Each child is required to have a parent transport and accompany them on these off-site trips. Field trips usually take place during your child’s regular class time.
Fantastic Fridays are for our preschoolers. On this day, a cooking instructor travels to each room for cooking class. Teachers facilitate special music activities with instruments and silly songs.
We schedule meetings during the year to talk about your child's progress. These meetings provide a chance to talk about your child's social, language, and cognitive development.
Summer brings some extra FUN! We offer themed camps each week, like Shark Week, Messy Art Camp, Cooking Camp, Science Camp, and VBS.